Original Sign-Up
January 17, 2023NAME: Synthesis
PRONOUNS: Any (except she)
OBJECT: Spraypaint
PERSONALITY: A coward, both socially and in dangerous situations. funny considering it loves being loud and using loud objects like METAL PIPES. he usually never takes off his inline skates, he's somehow amazing at it and also the worst skater you've ever seen. he collects cool sunglasses. music taste sounds like a garbage disposal with a lot of samples.
REASON FOR JOINING: Would like a good place to stash xyr sunglasses collection. maybe also not feel on-edge for once!
FAVORITE FOOD: does strawberry soda count

Top Surgery ("it's up to interpretation")
March 29, 2023https://earthend.neocities.org/y2k/topsurgery
April Fools entry
April 1, 2023