> Genesis: Open computer.

FLOOD: What... are you trying to do here?
GENESIS: I can make an online journal!
FLOOD: So we can get tracked easier? I don't see your goal here.
GENESIS: Nooo nonono it's like, I can just install a bunch of stuff I keep in a flash drive and use another server host and stuff without them tracking us. it's easy.
FLOOD: You can do that?
GENESIS: for a floppy disk you're pretty computer illiterate.
FLOOD: They keep makin' stuff up! How am I supposed to keep up??
> Turn on.

GENESIS: oh, hey, it works!
FLOOD: I still don't know why you're doing this.
GENESIS: sometimes you just gotta tell your side of the story. We don't have a lot of people on our side, you know!
FLOOD: ... Fuck. Right.
> >>>

GENESIS: and I wonder who's fault it is.
FLOOD: ... Sorry.